淘歌音乐 买歌词 My Codes



My Codes

This is mine,l cannot own it.这是我的,我无法拥有它。

This is her,she ain't has to fret.这是她的,她并不需要必须去烦恼 。

The whole things l recall sometimes.有时我回想着整件事情。

She got it without any lil and excessive acts.她没用到任何多余与过多的行为去得到它。

Thought it ain't cinches to do forget it.我原以为这并不是一件简单的事情去把它忘掉。

But at present,gon' be nothingness.但是现在,它快成为虚无了。

Ain't know why it extremely fades.我不知道为什么它极度地慢慢消散。

Right now l merely know what l have had it in mind.现在我只是知道我把它拥有了什么在脑海里。

Its torrential temptation has gone.它那猛烈汹涌的吸引力已经走了。

May have been cursed or that it's my fate.我可能已经被诅咒了或者那就是我的命运。

It's an elation but I'm more heartbreak.这是件欣喜若狂的事情但是我却更加心碎了。

How should I do to avoid falling in love with it again if I meet it one day?如果有一天我遇到了它我应该怎么做去避免再次爱上它呢?

Mr Fate and Mr Love could you be good to me?命运之神和爱之神你们可以对我好点吗?

Oh my Lord,l know that when you closed a door to me, you'd open another door to me.欧我的上帝啊,我知道当你关上一扇门放我的时候,你会开另一扇门放我。So I still believe in you right now.所以我现在仍然任你。This is just a beginning,l'll be better in future.这只是个开始,我以后会更好的。Those were their facades and games.那些是她们的虚伪表面和游戏。l was such a fool who ever saw through.我是个曾不看穿的大傻子。Rash to befriend so that I fell for.我急着去交朋友以至于我上当了。 l am a softie so l'm easy to be cheated.我是个心软的人所以我很容易被欺骗。Thought they were true roommates and pals.我原以为他们是真诚的室友于朋友。But fell for them who always reverse facts and isolate me. is the true?但是我却上当与他们,他们颠倒事实并孤立我。Always be alone,lonely and single every day.我每天总是孤处,孤独,独自。If there is a posthumous me,that is because l loathe this codes world.如果某天那有个属于我的尸体,那正是因为我厌恶这个代码世界。E'ry men shan't exist and happen.人类就不应该出现在这个世界上。Why l choose to die?'Coz I'm a naught and dispensable for the populations.为什么我会选择死去?因为我对于这世界庞大人口来说是个可有可无的虚无。Mr Fate and Mr Love could you be good to me?命运之神和爱之神你们可以对我好点吗?Oh my Lord,l know that when you closed a door to me, you'd open another door to me.欧我的上帝啊,我知道当你关上一扇门放我的时候,你会开另一扇门放我。So I still believe in you right now.所以我现在仍然信任你。This is just a beginning,l'll be better in future.这只是个开始,我以后会更好的。I'm amid the desertions all the time.我一直都处于抛弃之中。I'm amid the procedures all the time.我一直都处与程序之中。Like it deserted me and they deserted me. 就像它抛弃了我,就像他们都抛弃了我。Like they cheated me and they isolated me.就像她们玩弄我,就像他们孤立我。Mr Fate and Mr Love could you be good to me?命运之神和爱之神你们可以对我好点吗?Oh my Lord,l know that when you closed a door to me, you'd open another door to me.欧我的上帝啊,我知道当你关上一扇门放我的时候,你会开另一扇门放我。So I still believe in you right now.所以我现在仍然信任你。This is just a beginning,l'll be better in future.这只是个开始,我以后会更好的

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